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The clearance of the bearing of the automobile water pump shaft

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The clearance of the bearing of the automobile water pump shaft

Date:2019-05-25 Author: Click:

When manufacturing conventional shaft bearings, the shaft bearing clearance is mainly based on the radial clearance. In the case of no load, the radial clearance of the shaft bearing is 15-35um. In the process of using the shaft-connected bearing, the user should reasonably choose the fit interference between the outer ring and the seat hole. Because if the interference is too large, the radial clearance of the bearing will be sharply reduced, and if the bearing is damaged, the water pump will not work properly.

     It should also be taken into account that the shaft bearing heats up due to thermal expansion, which in turn reduces the amount of clearance. In order to ensure that the water pump shaft bearing does not lose oil for many years, a radial contact seal ring with a larger interference can be used. Considering that the water pump shaft bearing generally operates at high speed and high temperature, the lubrication conditions are very important for the service life of the water pump shaft bearing. It is recommended that the lubrication of the water pump shaft bearing should try to use some imported high-* grease with a relatively high drop point and a relatively good consistency.


The life of the automobile water pump bearing is closely related to the load, and the load is related to the unbalanced amount of the rotating component.

     Through the test of the WR3258152 automobile water pump bearing, the influence of the unbalance of the fan and pulley eccentricity on the load and life of the automobile water pump bearing is studied. It is calculated that the eccentricity of the pulley and the fan will cause the radial load of the rolling elements on both sides of the automobile water pump bearing to fluctuate greatly, and the service life will be reduced accordingly.


In the process of installing the water pump bearing, there is a small amount of interference, we can use the sleeve to press the end surface of the bearing ring at room temperature, use the head to beat the sleeve, and then use the sleeve to hold the sleeve. The ring is pressed in evenly. When pressing in, it is necessary to ensure that the end face of the outer ring of the bearing and the end face of the shell shoulder are pressed tightly, and the end face of the inner ring of the water pump bearing and the end face of the shaft shoulder should also be pressed tightly without any gap. If you need to install in large quantities, you can use a hydraulic press.

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Article url:http://en.czxmzc.com/news/459.html



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